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Have you ever encountered these problems:


  • You've just got a new modem from your internet service provider, but you can't seem to get wireless reception at the other end of the house.

  • Your internet connection works, but it's slow or occassionaly drops out.


If these scenario's sound familar to you, you may have a networking problem.


Sometimes the equipment your internet service provider gives you just isn't up to the task or doesn't have the features (e.g., gigabit ethernet) that you want or need for your home network. Sometimes a device may just be faulty.


As the number of devices in the house grows, so do the demands put on your networking equipment. It seems like just yesterday most homes only had one device connected to the internet. Now there can be as many as 10 or more devices all trying to connect to the internet at once and this means replacing some of your outdated equipment to keep up with these growing demands.


Working out what type of internet connection you should get, how much data you will need and whether the standard equipment your internet service provider will give you is up to the task is sometimes overwhelming.


That's where we can provide advice and solutions to suit any home networking requirements you might have. Whether it's one computer in the corner or one computer, two laptops, three smartphones, two tablets and a smart TV, we can help. Just give us a call and make a booking now.

internet problem
Home Networking
Network upgrades
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