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Backup and Recovery

Backup and Recovery

Accidently deleted a file or suffered a hardware or software failure that has led to lost files?


We can help. A lot of the time if you stop using the computer as quickly as possible, these files can be recovered.


Want to avoid this situation altogether? Then talks to us about backing up your data.


In this day in age, digital storage and data backup has become a must.


With all of our pictures, documents, correspondence and records kept in a digital format on one or multiple devices, it has become more important than ever to ensure that you have backup systems in place to protect your digital belongings.


Think about how much time it would take you to reinstall your operating system and all those programs you've collected over the life of your computer. Or the horror of realising you've lost all your family photos. If the hard drive or other hardware was to fail (and inevitably it will), that is exactly what could happen. It's a dreadful thought but it's easily avoided.


We can find a solution within your budget to help you set up a backup plan and implement systems that ensure you're covered in the event of a data loss.  Just give us a call and make a booking now.


Hard Drive backup
Data recovery
Dead hard drive
Cloud backups and storage
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